We can help guide you thru the licensing process on any level and in any region.  Most areas of the United States have adopted a dual licensing system and we can provide the necessary tools to make sure you are successful in acquiring your licenses.  We work with the local and state licensing authorities thru the entire process to ensure the highest level of completion when obtaining licensing.  The licensing process can be a lengthy and costly process if you do not have the proper experience when seeking to obtain a new license.  We can help with all aspects to ensure a higher success rate; as well as keeping the timeline flowing in an appropriate manner.  Our consultants can guide you thru the process to make sure that you recieve your certificate of occupancy.  We use a merit based application process that has proven to be the most successful model when aqcuiring licensing.  Whether you are entering the adult-use market, starting a medical facility or are interested in what it takes to obtain an agriculture license for hemp production we have the experience and knowledge to guide you thru the process to ensure a positive beginning to your new business venture. Back


